Rumtse to Kibber Trek Ladakh to Spiti

21 Days

This demanding and Challenging Trek takes us to the land of Changpa nomads living in the vast high plateau of Changthang. It focuses mainly on the life of Nomadic people and wildlife in motion.  After 2-3 days of well acclimatizing in Leh, we drive to Rumtse (85 km) located at the foot of Tanglang La  (5328 m). Beginning to trek from Rumtse we cross overpasses of Kyamari LaMandalachan La, and Shingbuk La before approaching Lake Tsokar. Since this tour is taking place in the Changthang region, which has an average altitude of 4000-5000m, higher than central Ladakh and Nubra valley. In that case, long acclimatization is a must before starting of trek.


The first stage of the area is relatively uninhabited, while the second phase after Tsokar up to Tsomoriri Lake the area is vastly dwelt by Changpa nomads. We visit a number of yurts along our trail and carefully witness nomadic daily life. Crossing over 3 high passes of Kyamayuri laKartse la, and Yarlung Nyau la we arrive at Karzok. One of the largest nomadic settlements in the region. Occasionally chances to see wildlife such as Kyang, black naked crane, Tibetan Antelope, Himalayan Marmot, and Blue Sheep. Tsomoriri surrounded by snow-capped 6000 m peaks, We follow the ancient nomadic routes along the Pare chu River valley with the final climb of high Parang la 5450m which separates Ladakh Spiti. Descending to Parilungbi gorge which presents magnificent rock formation.  Finishing trek at Kibber we drive to Manali.

Day 1
:    Fly Delhi to Leh. Acclimatize hike to Leh palace – Tsemo gompa – Sankar – Shanti Stupa – Leh.
Day 2:    Leh: Acclimatize. Visit Likir – Alchi – Lamayuru.
Day 3:    Drive Leh – Stok – Shey – Thiksey – Hemis – Rumtse (4150m) (80 km)
Day 4:    Trek to Chorten Sumdo (4720m) (4 – 5 hrs)
Day 5:    Trek to Kyamari-la (5180m) – Mandalchan-la (5170m) – Titsaling (5000m) (6 hrs)
Day 6:    Trek to Shingbuk-la (5230m) – Pangunagu/Tsokar Lake (4580m) (6 hrs)
Day 7:    Trek to Nuruchan (4650m) (5 ½ hrs)
Day 8:    Trek to Horlam-la (4900m) – Rachungkaru (4940m) (4 ½ hrs)
Day 9:    Trek to Kyamayuri-la (5430m) – Kartse-la (5380m) – Gyama (5170m)(6 hrs)
Day 10:  Trek to Yarlung Nyau-la (5440m) – Korzok (4600m) (7 hrs)
Day 11:  Trek to Kyangdom (4550m)
Day 12:  Trek to Norbu Sumdo (4300m)
Day 13:  Trek to Lukung (4515m)
Day 14:  Trek to Dokpo Phirtse (4700m)
Day 15:  Trek to high camp (4900m)
Day 16:  Trek to Parang la (5450m) – Thaltak (4550m)
Day 17:  Trek to Kibber (4205m), Drive to visit Kee (3950m), – Kaza.
Day 18:  Visit Tabo – Dankhar – Lalaung – Pin valley – back to Kaza.
Day 19:  Drive to Kunzum La (4551m) – Rohtang La (3978m) – Manali. 8/9 hrs.
Day 20:  Manali
Day 21:  Manali – Delhi.

Shimla – Kinnaur Extention
Day 18
:  Kaza (to obtain innerliner permit)
Day 19:  Drive to Kungri gompa – Lalung – Dankhar – Tabo – Nako
Day 20:  Drive to Sumdo – Recongpeo – Kalpa – Sangla – Chitkul
Day 21:  Drive to Sarahan – Shimla
Day 22:  Drive to Chandigarh – Delhi

Pin Bhaba Pass Extension
Day 18
:  Kaza
Day 19:  Drive to Kungri – Mud (3750m), trek to Mud pharkha (3780m)
Day 20:  Trek to Baldar base (3900m)
Day 21:  Trek to Bhaba pass (4900m) – Phustiaring (4000m) – Kara (3580m)
Day 23:  Trek to Mulling (3100m)
Day 24:  Trek to Kafnu (2450m), drive to Shimla
Day 25:  Drive to Chandigarh – Delhi.

Day 1: Fly Delhi to Leh. Acclimatize hike to Leh palace – Tsemo gompa – Sankar – Shanti Stupa – Leh.
Today after arriving at Leh airport. Transfer to hotel and relax afternoon hike up to Leh palace, ti Stupa 3 hrs and an evening explore the colorful local market. Overnight in Hotel.

Day 2: Leh: Acclimatize. Visit Likir – Alchi – Lamayuru.
Leaving Leh at first we drive to Likir on the Leh-Srinagar highway. Passing through magnetic hills and having a view of the Indus and Zanskar River confluence. Continue to drive we visit Likir. Likir meaning Lu Khil means naga encircled – a myth related to the monastery. We drive back pass Saspol where we cross the bridge over the Indus River and follow the road to Alchi. Alchi is at a distance of 70 km from Leh and at Alchi, we visit 1000 years old Gelukpa sect monastic complex built by Lotsava Rinchen Zangpo. Finally, after having our lunch at Alchi we drive back to Leh. Overnight stay in hotel.

Day 3: Drive Leh – Stok – Shey – Thiksey – Hemis – Rumtse (4150m) (80 km).
After breakfast, drive to visit Stok via Choklamsar. We cross a bridge on the Indus River. In Stok, we visit the Royal Palace of the present king and queen which was constructed by the kind Tsepal Tondup Namgyal in 1825. Inside the palace, you” ll find a great collection of ancient royal ornament. After visiting Stok Palace, drive to Shey – Thiksey and visit Hemis monastery which is 45 km far from Leh and it takes a 90-minute drive. The great Mahasiddha Staktsang Raspa along with great ancestor Singey Namgyal builds this biggest monastery in the 16th century. After visiting this monastery, drive back to Thiksey monastery, which is 27 km from Hemis. This monastery is the oldest monastery of Gelugpa School in Ladakh. The great Lama Paldan Shesrap built it in the 14th century. Here you can see the big statue of the Future Buddha. Finally at the campsite of Rumtse.

Day: 4 Trek to Chorten Sumdo (4720m) (4 – 5 hrs)
Walk along the road till you reach a Govt. tourist bungalow. From there take the right-side trail into the valley passing through some abandoned army huts.

Day 5: Trek to Kyamari-la (5180m) – Mandalchan-la (5170m) – Titsaling (5000m) (6 hrs).
After a few minute’s walk, the trail divides into two; one going to the left leading towards Tsokar lake and one on the right takes you to a stream, crossing which another pass to climb is there. Overnight in a tented Camp.

Day: 6 Trek to Shingbuk-la (5230m) – Pangunagu/Tsokar Lake (4580m) (6 hrs)
A gradual and easy ascend will lead you to Shibuk La. There are many wild Asses (skyang) around this area. Pangunagu has also a nice camping site. Overnight camp.

Day 7: Trek to Nuruchan (4650m)
Walking along with Tso Kar for much of the time on the trail. Today we have an easy trek along with the lake. On the way, one can see many birds and Wild ass (Skyang) of Ladakh and Tibet plateau. After finishing the lake we turn to the right side and enter the Nuruchan village. Overnight at camp. Leh to Rumtse (4095m) by taxis.

Day 8: Trek to Horlam-la (4900m) – Rachungkaru (4940m)
Today we have a small pass Horlamla (4900 Mts) to cross. After crossing the pass we reach Rachungkaru. Here the nomads are Tibetan refugees who live in summer. Here we can see the lifestyle of nomadic people in Tibet. In this area, they have plenty of Yaks, Sheep, and Pashmina Goats. Overnight camp.

Day 9: Trek to Kyamayuri-la (5430m) – Kartse-la (5380m) – Gyama (5170m)(6 hrs)
From the camp, we have a nice walk through the nomad people of Tibet. From the nomadic areas, stick ascend to pass. From the pass, we can see the beautiful landscape of the Korzok area. Easy descent to the summer pasture of Tibetan refugee camp.Overnight camp in Gyama.

Day 10: Trek to Yarlung Nyau-la (5440m) – Korzok (4600m) (7 hrs)
Today will have one small pass to cross. From the camp our trek to Korzok via crossing Yalung Nyau la pass. On the way to Korzok, one can see plenty of marmots. Today we have beautiful turquoise Color Lake Tsomoriri to see. This lake is situated at an altitude of 4400m. Korzok village is situated near the lake and you can see the Korzok monastery. Overnight at camp.

Day 11: Trek to Kyangdom (4550m)
We start early in the morning and trek along the east shore of Tsomoriri lake. We cross Zerlung Merlung after a short ascending to a small pass just after Karzok. Across lake 2 peaks of Chamser and Lungser Kangri which dominate the entire Karzok region are impressive. On the clear sky, it reflects its image in the lake and awesome to view it. Numbers of wild geese along the shore can be seen. Later we pass many nomadic temporary camps of Sanchanglung, Kele, Rile, and Kharlung. Trail sometime either of rocky offshore and on semi sandy beach. Arrive in the camp of Kyangdom which means Wild ass that roams around the lake.Kyangdom is a nomadic camp where nomads make stop-over camps for overnight stays. Look across the Norbu la from where nomads on horses we could see coming going to Karzok. Great view of Gya peak at the southern end of the lake.

Day 12: Trek to Norbu Sumdo (4300m)
We cross the delta of the Phirste phu river that joins this lake and cross. An hour of the trek on delta flooded plain with pebbles we trek horizontally to Chumik Shilde where spring water. Chumik is ladakhi for Spring water. En route, we may encounter Kyang. We continue to trek on the right banks of the river before joining Norbu Sumdo. Just before Norbu sumdo a huge rock cave built by nomads to capture Tibetan wolves that hunts sheep. We camp just below this.

Day 13: Trek to Lukung (4515m)
Today early trek to cross Pare chu river. Shortly after camp, we cross the river in the morning with a low level of water and the guide will find out the best place to cross the river. and trek along the right bank of Pare chu. Pare Chu is the source from Parang la, Gya massif, and Takling, it runs continues to Tibet and enters again in India at Spiti. A trail that leads to Chumar in Tibet along the right bank of Pare chu river. We pass Silang gongma and along the river bed to the campsite of Umlung. With a nice campsite with big stones around the camps that makes it impressive.

Day 14: Trek to Dokpo Phirtse (4700m)
Today after camp we trek again on the river bed on the right banks. With gaining height and impressive view of terrain on both sides. We cross several streams before arriving at Dokpo Phirtse. From here a route leads to Takling la pass to Kiato village in Spiti. We have a lovely grassy campsite on the shores of the river. With a great view of Himalayan ranges.

Day 15: Trek to high camp (4900m)
After Dokpo phirtse we continue to trek with gaining height. Short climb after on a long plateau and descend again to the river bed with the crossing of the river again. After crossing we arrive at Karsha gongma. We climb and trek on the slopes of mountains at the mouth of glaciers. Overnight camp.

Day 16: Trek to Parang la (5450m) – Thaltak (4550m)
Today an early breakfast to cross glacier and pass. Right close to camp we cross the river and climb along the edge of the glacier. An hour after the climb we traverse the glacier to the pass. Great view below of campsite and mouth of the glacier that pouring Pare chu river. AT the top of pass prayer flags and lhato. Far across to Spiti side immense view of Himalayan ranges. We descend steeply to Thaltak campsite. Having lunch at Thaltak we descend deep into Parilungbi gorge at the parlilungbi chu. Trekking along with the chu on the left bank we cross chu with a temporary bridge and climb straight to Thaltak. A nice campsite in a vowel-like shape with a great view of mountains and Kanamo peak.

Day 17: Trek to Kibber (4205m), Drive to visit Kee (3950m), – Kaza.
From Thaltak we descend down to Dumla village. After camp, we climb to the top plateau favorite to find fossils. Descending through a small canal with grassy slopes, terrain decorated with multi colors of Himalayan flora. We break at Dumla. Dumla is a settlement that the people of Kibber using for field works. We enter is small canyon and follow the stream and well path till bridge at Palilungbi chu. After crossing the river we climb to the fields of Kibber. Kibber literally means Kidber – Blossom of happiness. Visiting Kee we continue to Kaza. Overnight stay in hotel.

Day 18: Visit Tabo – Dankhar – Lalaung – Pin valley – back to Kaza.
Visit Tabo – Dankhar – Lalaung – Pin valley – back to Kaza.

Day 19: Drive to Kunzum La (4551m) – Rohtang La (3978m) – Manali. 8/9 hrs.
Drive to Kunzum La (4551m) – Rohtang La (3978m) – Manali. 8/9 hrs.

Day 20: Manali

Day 21: Manali – Delhi.
Manali – Delhi. Fly home

Trip Highlights

  • Trekking in the high Rupshu Changthang plateau
  • Land of high passes, Changpa nomads and high Lakes of Ladakh
  • Turquoise lake of Tsomoriri
  • Ancient nomads trail
  • Scenic mountain trail with campsites at peaceful locations

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Rumtse to Kibber Trek Ladakh to Spiti
3% Off
From ₹299,000 ₹289,000
/ Adult

Trip Info

  • Trekking & Hiking
  • June End to Mid-Sept.
  • Car / Jeep
  • Hotel / Tent
  • 12
  • Strenuous
  • 5,450 m / 17,880 Ft.
  • 18
  • 65